Memasak Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancake) ☆Minggu 48☆ Anti Ribet
Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancake) ☆Minggu 48☆. Korean sweet pancakes (Hotteok) are one of the most popular Korean street snacks. They are particularly popular in winter. I haven't tried vegetable stuffed versions yet but whether I do or not, I know my love will always be with the sweetened pancakes. 🙂 It really smells and tastes heavenly.
Hotteok - Korean sweet dessert pancake. Add hotteok parcel into the pan by flipping the hand to drop the pancake onto the pan, with the smooth side (side that was stuck to your. Hotteok is a popular Korean street snack! Cara membuatnya tidak sulit Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancake) ☆Minggu 48☆ menggunakan 11 bahan dan 6 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan yang diperlukan Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancake) ☆Minggu 48☆
- Siapkan Bahan dough:.
- Dibutuhkan 270 gram Tepung terigu.
- Siapkan 2 sdt Ragi instan.
- Dibutuhkan 2 sdm Gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt Garam.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm Minyak sayur.
- Siapkan 230 ml Air hangat/ susu hangat.
- Dibutuhkan Bahan isian:.
- Siapkan 100 gram Gula palem.
- Siapkan 2 sdm Biji wijen sangrai.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt Kayu manis bubuk.
You can make hotteok at home with a few basic ingredients! It's delicious with lots of healthy seeds and nuts! It seems like every time I go to Korea I learn about a new variation or two. There are all sorts of different sweet and savory fillings such as red beans.
Cara Pembuatan Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancake) ☆Minggu 48☆
- Siapkan bahan. Dalam wadah campur jadi satu bahan isian, sisihkan..
- Campur dan aduk bahan dough kecuali tepung terigu. Lalu tuang kewadah berisi terigu aduk dengan spatula. tutup dengan serbet/plastik wrap selama 1 jam..
- Uleni sebentar untuk membuang gas dalam dough. Diamkan 10-20 menit lagi. Bagi-bagi menjadi beberapa bagian..
- Pipihkan dan isi dengan bahan isian bulatkan..
- Panaskan teflon, beri sedikit olesan minyak masak sampai kedua sisi kecoklatan dan matang jangan lupa ditekan-tekan pelan supaya gepeng. Angkat..
- Sajikan👌.
Hotteok is popular Korean street snack and dessert pancakes filled with hot brown sugar syrup. You can easily make them at home and they are so good! It's been raining every single day here and I finally decide to make some Hotteok, the Korean sweet pancakes. Besides I found a very special. How to make popular Korean winter street food - Korean sweet pancakes (Hotteok).